FONTLOG for Cambo font This file provides detailed information on the Cambo font Software. This information should be distributed along with the Cambo font and any derivative works. Basic Font Information Cambo is a modern Latin typeface inspired by the contrast, style and ornaments of Khmer typefaces and writing styles. Its main objective is to be used to write Latin texts in a Khmer context, but it is also an elegant choice for all kinds of texts. Designed by Carolina Giovagnoli and Andrés Torresi for Huerta Tipográfica ( To contribute to the project contact Carolina Giovagnoli and Andrés Torresi at There are three Source files: 1. Cambo-Regular.vfb: Original Source files with contour overlaps, anchors, etc. 2. Cambo-Regular-OTF.vfb: Merged contours and optimized file corresponding to the OTF file 3. Cambo-Regular-TTF.sfd: Fontforge file with bezier quadratic curves and adjustments according to GWF specifications. ChangeLog 17 Dec 2011 (Carolina Giovagnoli and Andrés Torresi) Cambo v2.001 - Initial release Acknowledgements If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in alphabetical order. N: Carolina Giovagnoli E: W: D: Type Designer N: Andrés Torresi E: W: D: Type Designer